
Webinar: The Journey of Agile Transformation

On-demand Webinars

How do you Plan for a Future that Looks Totally Different?

Innovation leaders everywhere have a goal of transforming their organizations: Technically, digitally, culturally, and many use agile as a tool in the process — but what needs to happen first, and are there milestones along the way that teams can use to track an organization’s progress? Watch Ideascale’s complimentary webinar “The Journey of Agile Transformation” featuring Quincy Jordan, Director of the Innovate practice at AgileThought, to find out how you can guide your organization on the path to transformation.

Session: The Journey of Agile Transformation

Speaker: Quincy Jordan, Director of Innovate, AgileThought

Session Abstract:

Agile Transformation isn’t a destination. It is the experience of the journey where behaviors evolve, decisions improve, and acting on learning becomes the precipice of success. What happens along the journey of an Agile Transformation? It isn’t all roses and it isn’t all bumps and bruises either, but both will happen. Understanding what to expect makes all the difference in persevering. Let’s talk about those expectations.

Watch the Full Session



Quincy D Jordan

(Co-Facilitator), Director of Innovate, AgileThought

Quincy D. Jordan is the Director of Innovate at AgileThought. He leads a team of coaching experts in the areas of agile, DevOps, transformation, and executive coaching.

He guides fortune 50-1,000 clients through organizational transformations. With more than 25 years of experience, Quincy Jordan is an adept leader with a propensity to guide enterprise clients along complex transformation journeys. He is experienced at helping leaders identify the right problems to solve, articulating a crisp vision, prioritizing a strategic roadmap, and creating organizational alignment for teams to effectively deliver value.
