
Financial Services


Product Strategy

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Product Management

So, You Want to Introduce a New Product – Now What?

The financial services industry is a highly competitive one where new technologies and techniques are used every day. It’s no wonder that financial service providers need to keep track of their products and services on a continuous basis in order to make sure they meet customer demands and stay ahead of the competition.

The creation of an effective product roadmap is the key to doing this successfully, which means it’s important for companies in this field to have a solid process for creating them. This guide will show you how to create an effective product roadmap that aligns with your business goals while avoiding common pitfalls along the way!

What is a Product Roadmap?

A product roadmap is a plan that shows the future of your product. It’s a high-level plan that shows how you will deliver on your business strategy, and it’s also a long-term view of what you will deliver in the next three to five years.

The best way to think about this is by comparing it with its cousin, the Bug or Change Log (also known as an “Issue Tracker”). The Bug Log tracks bugs that are reported by customers or internal users, while also identifying who has ownership over them and what needs to be done next in order for them to be fixed or resolved. The Bug Log can be thought of as short term work items–they’re things we need done right now!

In contrast, a Product Roadmap is more focused on longer term objectives: which features should we build first? Which ones do our customers care most about? How can we make sure those features are user friendly enough so they’ll actually use them once we release them into production?

Why do I Need a Product Roadmap?

Great question! A product roadmap is a strategic document that helps you plan and prioritize your product roadmap. It helps you to communicate your product vision and strategy to the team, aligning it with business goals and objectives.

For example, if you’re working on an online banking platform for consumers, then it makes sense for your roadmap to include a feature called “transfer money” which allows users to send money from one account into another account within their bank or between banks.

This would enable them to make payments directly from their accounts without having cash in hand or using other payment methods like credit cards or checks which require additional steps such as signing up at an ATM machine before sending money out of their account (i.e., withdrawing cash).

Great – Now, How do I Create an Effective Product Roadmap?

Let’s get right to it. First, set out the vision for your company’s products and services. A good roadmap will help you create an effective plan for what you want to achieve, when and how much it will cost.

The following steps should help you create an effective product roadmap:

  • Identify what problem(s) your customers are trying to solve by using your product or service.
  • Decide whether there are any gaps between where they are now and where they’d like to be. If so, identify these gaps as goals for future versions of the product or service that could solve these problems for them (or make them happier).
  • Work out which features would enable these changes in behavior/experience/etc., then prioritize them based on their importance relative to other functionality within the same category–for example: if there were two ways we could improve our user experience at signup time (by adding video tutorials vs doing away with one form field), then we’d likely choose the former because it provides more value overall than just saving users some typing effort (although both options would likely do well).

But What Separates a Good Product Roadmap from a Bad One?

A good product roadmap is one that is aligned with your business strategy. It’s also built with the customer in mind and reflects a deep understanding of their needs, wants, and behaviors. It should reflect what your organization can deliver now or soon–but not too far out into the future–and be based on learning from previous releases or projects.

A bad product roadmap can be any number of things: unrealistic, disconnected from reality (or worse yet, completely made up), lacking in detail or directionality (i.e., “We want to build something like Snapchat”), insufficiently communicated across teams within an organization (or even outside), etcetera ad infinitum!

What are Some Advantages of Building an Agile Product Roadmap?

We’re so glad you asked! Agile product roadmaps have a number of advantages:

  • They help you to collaborate more effectively with other teams, as well as business stakeholders.
  • They make it easier to prioritize features and track progress. This is because they are flexible, so if a feature isn’t working out or requires more time than expected then it can be moved back in the roadmap without disrupting other work going on at the same time.
  • Agile roadmaps also encourage better customer engagement through regular feedback loops that allow you to see what customers really want from your product or service. This means that any changes made will be based on real data rather than assumptions about what people might want from your company’s offerings; this leads directly into…

Before You Implement The Roadmap – Make Sure That Your Product Management Process is Aligned With Your Business Strategy and Goals!

A product roadmap is an essential tool for any business, especially those in the financial services industry. But it’s not enough to just create a roadmap–you have to make sure that your product management process is aligned with your business strategy and goals. If this isn’t done correctly, you will likely fail as a company; however if it is done correctly, then there’s no reason why you wouldn’t succeed.

Ready To Get Started? We’re Here to Help!

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